

胜博发郡学院 is authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant 学生.

除了一般入学要求之外,  inter国家 学生 seeking admission to 胜博发郡学院 are required to submit additional documentation to secure an I-20: ‘Certificate of Eligibility for Non-immigrant Status’ through 胜博发郡学院 to apply for an F-1 Visa to study in the U.S. 国际学生包 & 指令 在此过程中是否可以在线使用.



  1. Do not make travel arrangements or register for classes until your F1 visa has been approved.
  2. 当获得F-1签证时, it is expected that your primary purpose for attending 胜博发郡学院 is to study. 国际学生只能在校内工作, 这些职位是有限的,保留给有资格获得经济援助的学生.
  3.  胜博发县学院是一所非住宿机构, we do not offer housing to our 学生 and all 学生 must reside in Ocean County.
  4. Wait-times for change of visa status are no longer being published by the government and 学生 on a B1 or B2 visa cannot attend classes until change of visa status is approved.
  5.  我们只提供i -20给全日制的,想要学位的学生. We cannot offer I-20s to prospective 学生 looking to take English Language Learning 课程.


We recommend you begin the application process at least 6 months before the start of the semester.  所有学生必须遵守公布的截止日期.


  • 秋季学期(九月开学):6月1日st
  • 春季学期(一月开学):十月一日st


  1. 申请胜博发郡学院(胜博发)
    • 如果转学:将转学表提交到当前学校进行SEVIS记录转学
  2. 向招生部门提交所需文件(见:入学要求)
  3. 学校创建“资格证书”(I-20)并提供给学生
  4. 支付SEVIS I-901费用
  5. 然后申请以下其中一个:
    • 当地的U.S. 领事馆或大使馆申请签证
      • 看到 DOSWeb 浏览更多资讯
    • 如果你在美国的另一个非移民身份, 联系USCIS将身份更改为F-1或M-1
      • 文件 I-539 通过美国入籍与移民服务局
    • 如果您是免签证国家(加拿大,百慕大等)的公民.),请联系美国.S. 坡直接

的 documents outlined below must be submitted prior to issuance of the “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status” form, 的I20.
*要求可能会有变化. 所有文件须经批准.
**Final review of documents will be done by the inter国家 Designated School Official (DSO) by appointment. When the 招生 Office has received all the completed forms, the review will begin. 如果得到批准, the institution will mail the Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) or make available for pick up on campus – indicating admission as a full-time degree student

  • 提交已填妥的 入学申请
  • 护照复印件
    • 包括照片,签名,姓名和出生日期的页面
  • 当前签证复印件(如适用)
  • 国际地址证明(来自学生原籍国)
    • 可接受的文件包括:
      • 护照
      • 地址声明
      • Document from outside source showing home address (状态 issued identification card, 学校成绩单, 帐单, 等.)
  • 预定本地地址证明
    • 因为胜博发县学院是非住宿机构, 也就是说我们不给学生提供住宿, 学生必须安排房间, 食宿及交通. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange this prior to the start of classes
    • Please share local Ocean County US address intended for studies with school official. 可接受的文件包括:
      • 国家颁发的身份证
      • 学生名下的水电费帐单
      • 租赁协议复印件
      • 房间保证人的信 & 这名学生住在当地的一个地方
      • 需要担保人的驾驶执照来确认地址
  • 出席费用证明- $ 30,860(2018年的价格-可能会有变化)
    • Documented funds for educational and living expenses must be shown in a bank account or among other readily convertible assets excluding real e状态 and other fixed assets. 所有资金必须由银行或信誉良好的来源转换为美元.
      • 如果资金不是学生的,a 公证 必须提交经济支持宣誓书
      • This 状态ment documents the assumption of financial responsibility for the inter国家 student during the period the individual intends to remain in the United States

国外预算 *(全日制,学年制,每学期15学分)

成本 预算项目
$8,430 学杂费(250美元).00 /学分)
$438  供应
$2,000 杂项
$3,360 运输
$22,860 住房/生活费
$37,088 出勤总费用

*的 cost of tuition for an inter国家 student will be the same as that of an out of county student regardless of residency

  • 英语水平证明
    • 申请人必须具备英语能力. An additional test of language skills will be required, this is the college’s Accuplacer
    • 可接受的文件包括:
      1. 良好的托福,SAT/ACT成绩.
        • 托福成绩:
          • 新托福- 61分(或更高)
          • 计算机基础- 173分(或更高)
          • 纸本- 500分(或以上)
      2. Two or more years of instruction at a high school or college where English is the primary language
          • 在过去五年内在美国拥有全职身份.S., 联合王国, 爱尔兰, 澳大利亚, 新西兰或加拿大或南非其他英语授课的大学.
      3. 以前完成的 荣誉 在美国的英语课程.一年或更长时间

欲知更多有关 托福考试 考试和最近的考试中心的位置,请在线与他们联系. If you don’t have access to the web you can write or call the Educational Testing Service, P.O.6151号信箱,新泽西普林斯顿08541,电话号码:1.609.771.7714.

同样的步骤也适用于去美国旅行的学生, 已经在国内或从其他学校转学

  1. Check in with Inter国家 Designated School Official (DSO) on campus upon arrival
  2. 胜博发的Accuplacer 被放入合适的数学中 & English 课程 (unless you have qualifying exemption scores or previously passed a college level math or English course)
  3. 与顾问会面,审查他们的学位课程并注册课程

胜博发郡学院 abides by the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) regulations regarding the reporting of inter国家 学生. 在胜博发郡学院读书时, 你有责任维持你的移民身份.


  • Register for, attend, and maintain enrollment in a full course of study (at least 12 Credits)
  • Consult with your DSO before dropping below a full course of study for any reason
  • 在更改名称或地址后的10天内将更改报告给DSO
  • 在美国境外旅行前通知DSO
  • 向外勤事务处报告任何财政支持来源的变化
  • 在从事就业*或实务训练前,须先取得专业事务主任的批准
    *Please note it is expected that your primary purpose for traveling to the US is to study. Inter国家 学生 are only eligible to work on campus and on campus positions are limited and reserved for 学生 eligible for financial 援助
  • 报告学习计划的任何变化
  • 将学业状况的任何变化报告给DSO
  • 申请更改非移民身份时,通知民政事务处
  • 在移民身份调整获得批准后通知DSO
  • 在I-20到期之前,咨询DSO延长项目
  • 如有意转职,请通知民政事务处处长
  • 保持护照有效
  • 将从属状态的变化通知DSO
  • 你想在另一个机构注册在线课程或兼职


Two new features have been added to the inter国家 online payment process at 胜博发郡学院 that will help many 学生 make payments toward their tuition and fees. 的se changes will improve the process and allow 学生 to choose the method that works best for them.

  • 对于银行转账,学生现在可以使用 西部联合电报公司 (代替银行直接电汇).
  • 通过国际信用卡或借记卡或银行转账支付,请使用 支付学费.


参观胜博发.edu,点击胜博发连接和Student Finance,然后选择付款.

你将被重定向到Nelnet网站, 您可以在哪里选择这些新选项之一作为您的付款类型. Inter国家 payments are processed by 西部联合电报公司 GlobalPay and 支付学费 for Students in association with Nelnet

Students have 72 hours to complete their transaction to secure the conversion rate given at the time. 付款信息将使用当地货币, 他们将通过价格比较工具提前获得价格和付款选项. Both vendors can provide tracking information for 学生 to see the payment process from start to finish.

Students who select to pay via 西部联合电报公司 or 支付学费 will receive a letter of authorization and will need to follow up with their bank — within 72 hours — to initiate the wire transfer.




参观 美国国土安全部网站,留学美国. 浏览有关持F1签证在美国学习的一般信息.
